About Dr. Corbett Riley
Your Ambassador & Guide to the Healthcare System

With over 35 years of clinical experience as a chiropractor, Doctor Riley served as a primary care provider for numerous patients with a multitude of health challenges.

Additionally, he holds a B.S. in public health as well as a certificate in Patient Advocacy from UCLA.

Dr. Riley has a diverse perspective as both doctor and patient. When it took over a year of multiple tests and doctors appointments to reach a diagnosis about his own health, patient advocacy took on a new dimension. When compelled to advocate for himself, he saw that the healthcare system is too complicated, too confusing, and too impersonal for many patients to navigate. His education and clinical experience as a doctor helped to expedite this complicated process to a healthy conclusion.

Corbett Riley Health Advocacy addresses the physical, emotional, and financial concerns that come with each diagnosis.

I consulted Corbett Riley regarding a long-standing problem of chronic pain. I was frustrated after consulting two sports medicine doctors and several physical therapists with minimal results. Corbett reviewed my history and diagnostic tests. He explained them to me and offered some viable options…

Suzanne B., San Francisco, CA

Knowing Corbett Riley is a game changer! I have complex health challenges, and yet I thrive in life largely due to his care, support, and guidance. His knowledge of physiology and treatment options is vast and he has helped me plan…

Clarify Your Diagnoses

Clarify Your Diagnoses

Clarify your diagnoses, interpret test results, and weigh your treatment options…

Locate Respected Specialists

Locate Respected Specialists

Locate respected specialists and hospitals specific to your individual needs…

Wellness Coaching & Education

Wellness Coaching

Evaluate your individual health concerns and help identify and prioritize solutions…

Dr. Corbett Riley

(530) 913-0249
