Message to Providers

In November of 2014, I started my practice in a new field called Patient Advocacy. Contrary to my 35+ years of patient care as a chiropractor, this is a consulting practice only. Corbett Riley Health Advocacy helps patients with medical issues better understand their choices. While medical language is routine to us, it is often unrecognizable to those outside the healing professions. By assisting patients to better understand and process information about their condition, they become empowered to participate more effectively in their treatment and recovery.

After 35 years of practice, I appreciate how difficult it can be to coordinate patient care. In a small amount of time providers are asked to obtain pre-authorization, diagnose, explain, refer, order tests, educate, etc. There is constant pressure to see more patients in less time. Consequently, it is very difficult to coordinate all the care that some complex patients require. Given the myriad of unfiltered information on the Internet, additional time in education and interpretation are often needed for those patients who are self-diagnosing from Google.

As an advocate, I provide a second set of eyes and ears to objectively observe the patient’s overall presentation. The intent is to make your job less complicated by helping educate the patient about their condition, their options, and help facilitate their coordination of care.

Please Note:

  • I do not examine, diagnose, or treat my advocacy clients.
  • I may accompany a patient to an appointment. This is to serve predominantly as an interpreter. I do not offer second opinions.

I welcome the opportunity to work with you and trust our combined efforts will help achieve a healthier patient. Please contact me if you have any questions.

I consulted Corbett Riley regarding a long-standing problem of chronic pain. I was frustrated after consulting two sports medicine doctors and several physical therapists with minimal results. Corbett reviewed my history and diagnostic tests. He explained them to me and offered some viable options…

Suzanne B., San Francisco, CA

Knowing Corbett Riley is a game changer! I have complex health challenges, and yet I thrive in life largely due to his care, support, and guidance. His knowledge of physiology and treatment options is vast and he has helped me plan…

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Wellness Coaching

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Dr. Corbett Riley

(530) 913-0249