
I consulted Corbett Riley regarding a long-standing problem of chronic pain. I was frustrated after consulting two sports medicine doctors and several physical therapists with minimal results. Corbett reviewed my history and diagnostic tests. He explained them to me and offered some viable options. With that understanding finally in place, I could pursue effective treatment. Corbett was compassionate and understanding about the frustration of dealing with a hard-to-diagnose problem, and lightened things up with a little humor, too. Corbett is an ideal patient advocate. Not only is he astute at identifying and prioritizing the issues at hand, but he’s a superb communicator with the skills to bridge any differences that may arise between parties. Patients can feel confident that he’ll guide them through the often daunting health care system, ensuring that they’re getting the best care with the minimum of bureaucratic complications.

Suzanne B.
San Francisco, CA

Knowing Corbett Riley is a game changer!  I have complex health challenges, and yet I thrive in life largely due to his care, support, and guidance. His knowledge of physiology and treatment options is vast and he has helped me plan and care for my body and mind differently – improving my overall health.  Yes, his care has included planning ways to manage the emotional aspects of pain, stress, and loss.  Corbett is the best health guide imaginable who helps me thrive during life’s ups and downs, even within my challenged, aging body.

Erin M.
Grass Valley, CA

In early 2014 I had an x-ray and an MRI of the lumbar spine area. The reports I received showed mostly normal findings but used medical terminology and explanations that were confusing, worrisome, and left me with questions. Corbett was extremely helpful and alleviated my concerns. He reviewed the reports, asked me further questions, and was able to explain the findings in lay terms that allowed me to understand. His explanations and willingness to answer my questions provided me with information and, most importantly, peace of mind. I was relieved to have a trustworthy advocate in my court.

Ann S.
Nevada City, CA

I have been dealing with a serious health challenge for the last several years. I have been fortunate to find doctors outside of the mainstream that have helped me tremendously. Unfortunately in our current healthcare system these doctors are often not covered by health insurance. Getting insurance companies to reimburse for these services requires a real professional, one who knows how to work with you, your doctor’s office and the insurance companies. Dr. Riley is that person. After several years of expensive treatments I didn’t even try to get reimbursement because I was told it was not possible. In a few short months Dr. Riley has worked with me to maximize my chances for financial reimbursement. I am optimistic about the impeding results. He has been invaluable as a member of my “health team”.

In addition, Dr. Riley has helped me to be a more educated and empowered patient and to be more effective in the precious time that I have with my doctors.

Finally, he always makes me laugh and I do believe that laughter is the best medicine. Don’t hesitate to talk to him about how he can empower you.

Nancy K.
Austin, TX

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Dr. Corbett Riley

(530) 913-0249
